How do I create a members area?

Hi there - I am looking to create a forum or a members area on my C5 site - is this possible? Can you point me in the direction on where to start please? Like the forum area area would be good or like your school days brochure website.

Many thanks,


frz replied on at Permalink Reply
the forums we're using here will be available as an add-on in the new marketplace shortly.
xGSTQ replied on at Permalink Reply
I really like these forums, innovative and exactly to the point.. !

I presume when you say Market Place you mean to buy ?
frz replied on at Permalink Reply
yup, the intention was to sell the forums for a little something. we're thinking $55/site. hardly enough to be prohibitive but a something to help offset the costs of support and development.
bananapants replied on at Permalink Reply
Any idea when they will be available?
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
bananapants replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for that!