HTML code in WYSIWYG - auto-correction?


I'm trying to use <a> element over block of text and editor is still removing all my modifications...
Is there any option related to "auto correction" or what ?

Code is valid, so what is going on ?

I can't find any relevant options. It's sick :/

FischerVision replied on at Permalink Reply
The wysiwyg editor 'sees' probably that it doesn't has any effect, thus it deletes it. Try to put a
<a href="">
in it and see if it works. Otherwise, when your text is ready, copy all of the HTML and put it in a HTML block instead of a Content block. And make there your adjustments.
jagd replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for reply.
I should explain it better...

I used fully described link with url and title...
I had the same issue is when i tried to put .js code - but issues with basic html elements it's slightly strange as i think

Like i said - code was valid - but all modifications were lost. And it works like that every time when i try to do similiar things.

using <a> tag on header elements should be possible - i don't see any issue related with it. Applying it from UI works fine - but i can't build some more sophisticated html structures.

Using HTML block is poor option due to my customer needs. They will not able to edit it in the future.

Any other thoughts?
FischerVision replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Just a thought. Do you have the toolbar on the office mode? Or the simple mode?
jagd replied on at Permalink Reply
Advanced mode...
But your question shown me some possible way to resolve that issue : custom mode with pugins control.. Thanks! :)

Ok - i checked that - so - code validation could be turned off - but where are settings files?
Or how to set it in "custom mode" window?
FischerVision replied on at Permalink Reply
Glad to help!