Lost editing privileges...

Somehow, while signed in, I've lost the (most of) ability to edit all pages except the home page.

Specific example:
1. On a comments block I still have the access to edit / remove / etc comments, but if I click on edit or add page it tells me I don't have permission.
2. In the dashboard sitemap, I have the full range of permissions when clicking on the home page, but only the 'visit' option when clicking on any other page.

I'm not smart... help...

Thanks in advance...

frz replied on at Permalink Reply
are you logged in with an account you made and put in the administrator group, or are you logged in as the admin account?
Justin replied on at Permalink Reply
But for references I am logged into the only the only account that shows in my dashboard when I go to the users and groups sections ( as user account with admin privileges).

It seemed to ultimately resolve when I cleared my cache - I now seem to have full access again, so I think I'm OK now. Any reason that would have worked or did I inadvertently change something else as well?

Thanks for the quick response; the fact that yesterday I had no idea what I was doing and today I think I can build my site in a few more hours speaks to how great c^5 is...


andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
I noticed this as well, just today. We'll be doing some checking into how permissions and caching are interrelating. Much of this should be fixed in the latest release candidate, but I don't think all of it is (since I just noticed something similar to your experience today.)

Glad you were able to work around it.