member page

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I would like to create a member page and put certain file in that page with password protected, only if you have user name and password to acess that file. any body help me please.

Thank you

okhayat replied on at Permalink Reply
There is already a member page build-in C5. You can find it if you click [] Show system pages in Dashboard -> Sitemap
You can access the page with
To customize it, copy concrete/single_pages/members.php to your single_pages/members.php and change it as you like.
AFAIK, The page doesn't show by default in Autonav (menu) block as you have to enable it from Dashboard -> Users and Groups -> Login & Registration -> Enable Public Profiles
HeartStrong07 replied on at Permalink Reply
And what if you accidently deleted your member page .... ouch!
HeartStrong07 replied on at Permalink Reply
I accidentally delete my Member page from the Site Map.

How do I re-insert or add one in the Pages & Themes and Single Pages section?

Is this something I need to accomplish in phpMyAdmin? And if so, please get me started with a little direction.


Edit: I saw this

Do I need to something similar to this:

Create an empty PHP page within the single_pages/ directory at the root of your site. Name it "my_profile.php." Whatever you name this page will be its path in the URL (e.g. "login.php" =").... Typically concrete5 naming conventions should be used here, so if you want to name something with separators in it, using underscores (e.g. "my_profile.php").

But call the page "members.php"?

If so, I need to find out exactly where "PHP page within the single_pages/ directory at the root of your site" is


Edit: I feel stupid, my problem was I had permissions set to private instead of public

Edit: Tony's Add-on was a nice finishing touch