More user friendly TinyMCE content block edit bar

Permalink 2 users found helpful
I made a custom TinyMCE content block edit bar so that the editors of the website I manage would be less confused.

So far it has worked out pretty well and has all the options that we need.

Here's the code and a photo of what it looks like.
theme : "concrete", 
plugins: "inlinepopups,spellchecker,safari,advlink,table,xhtmlxtras,emotions,paste,visualchars,nonbreaking,pagebreak,style,searchreplace,fullscreen,advimage",
editor_selector : "advancedEditor",
spellchecker_languages : "+English=en",   
theme_concrete_buttons1 : "styleselect,formatselect,fontsizeselect,tablecontrols",
theme_concrete_buttons2 : "bold,italic,underline,|,forecolor,backcolor,|,justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright,justifyfull,|,bullist,numlist,|,outdent,indent,blockquote,|,replace,|,pastetext,pasteword,|,undo,redo,|",
theme_concrete_buttons3 : "image,|,anchor,link,unlink,|,charmap,|,abbr,|,styleprops,removeformat,code,|,fullscreen",
theme_concrete_blockformats : "p,address,pre,h1,h2,h3,div,blockquote,cite",
theme_concrete_toolbar_align : "left",
theme_concrete_fonts : "Andale Mono=andale mono,times;Arial=arial,helvetica,sans-serif;Arial Black=arial black,avant garde;Book Antiqua=book antiqua,palatino;Comic Sans MS=comic sans ms,sans-serif;Courier New=courier new,courier;Georgia=georgia,palatino;Helvetica=helvetica;Impact=impact,chicago;Symbol=symbol;Tahoma=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;Terminal=terminal,monaco;Times New Roman=times new roman,times;Trebuchet MS=trebuchet ms,geneva;Verdana=verdana,geneva;Webdings=webdings;Wingdings=wingdings,zapf dingbats",
theme_concrete_font_sizes : "1,2,3,4,5,6,7",
theme_concrete_styles: "Note=ccm-note",
spellchecker_languages : "+English=en"

To use it, go to "Sitewide Settings" in the C5 Dashboard, choose "Custom" for Content Toolbar and the paste the above.

Thought it might save someone some time and help your users!

1 Attachment

ScottC replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you for sharing.

SteveAtParadigm replied on at Permalink Reply
This is great! I was gonna do this myself, but you just saved me some time, thanks!
glockops replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm not entirely sure if the table tools work in this TinyMCE bar. I've experienced a few problems in the past...

I'm not sure if they are related to TinyMCE in general or the customization of this bar - so just keep that in mind.

Also, don't forget to add the style classes and format tags that are appropriate for your theme.
SpencerC replied on at Permalink Reply
Worked great!

Thanks a ton,

MrNiceGaius replied on at Permalink Reply
Awesome, I like this configuration. Thanks!