No Dashboard, no Editing, suddenly nothing when we login to site

We suddenly lost any dashboard or edit tools when we login on our website to do In-page editing. Two different logins and different browsers and still nothing!

jero replied on at Permalink Reply
This can happen when you have a javascript error. Have you tired opening the developer console (F12 does it in most browsers) and check for any errors? I've had occasions where an HTML block has got some broken javascript in it and it stops the editor working.
ob7dev replied on at Permalink Reply
It can also be caused be incorrect markup in the theme.
C5 loads its header and editing interface within the theme code such as
View::element('header_required', ...

Meaning if an extra or missing closing div tag (etc) could cause the c5 header/footer elements to be excluded rendering the c5 interface useless..

Granted that is only on front end, if you have issues in backend then I'm not sure....

If you can navigate to the dashboard page ( ) and activate another theme, you could see if editing controls come back and then you know its the theme.