Only superuser can edit page template output

Our admins can create new page page types and new page templates but for some reason they can't edit the page output. There is no way to add blocks, nor can they get the page into edit mode. Is there any way to give them "superuser" permissions or is there any way to give them permissions to edit the output?
I've checked all permissions and admins should be allowed (according to the permission settings). I also enabled the advanced permissions and rechecked but still no go.

Any hints anyone?

Update: We are running the latest (8.1) version of C5

mjamil4it replied on at Permalink Reply
You need to enable the advanced permissions.
Click on the permission button in front of the page type you want to edit and click on the advance permission link at the bottom of the page, this will enable an additional set of permissions, now simply add your user or group accordingly.

There are no global permissions you can set for all the page type if you have created them already, you need to do one by one.

Happy coding.