Picture Sets not working in Slideshow - Help plz

I have 8 images inside a set. I setup a slideshow and select the set I want to use. I've tried it with various sets and on various pages and can't get it to work. Nothing happens, it's just a blank space on my page.

Has anyone else had this problem and found a solution? Could I be doing something wrong?

Thanks in advance,

gsownsby replied on at Permalink Reply
You're right this is a problem. I have experienced the same issue. I hope someone at Concrete5 is listening.
nolmscheid replied on at Permalink Reply
I noticed this the day of the release of 5.3 but forgot to post the issue.

I will assume they have found this error as well and it will be fixed in 5.3.1
tbcrowe replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
I think this must have broken shortly before release because it was working fine in the beta. In any case, the fix is pretty easy to make if you don't mind editing a file.

Open up <your-c5-base-directory>/concrete/blocks/slideshow/controller.php in your favorite editor. Inside the loadFileSet() function change this line:
$sql = "SELECT fv.fvFilename, fv.fvPrefix, fav.value FROM FileSetFiles fsf, FileVersions fv, FileAttributeValues fav " .

$sql = "SELECT fv.fID, fv.fvFilename, fv.fvPrefix, fav.value FROM FileSetFiles fsf, FileVersions fv, FileAttributeValues fav " .

and add the following line as the first line inside the foreach block below that:
$image['fID'] = $file['fID'];

I've also attached the modified file (zipped) in case you just want to swap in the fixed file. If you go this route, make sure you're using the original 5.3.0 code and that you save your original file in case you have problems.
andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
This got implemented, worked fine, then got broken right before release (due to something else related to the slideshow) but should now be fixed in our next release.
suzykaploozie replied on at Permalink Reply
That worked perfectly, thank you for your help!
gsownsby replied on at Permalink Reply
tbcrowe, andrew:

This fix also fixed the same problem with the add-in Gallery Block.

Killed to birds with one stone. Great job. Thanks.