Restrict registration to specific email addresses

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Is it possible to restrict registration to specific email addresses (eg., only those with can register)?

mkly replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm not sure of your experience and particular skill set but there is a controller in

you can override this by copying that file to

There is a method in there called 'do_register'
This is where the magic happens including validation. You could add an additional validation for the $_POST['uEmail']

If you are curious about the validation the simplest thing is that $e is the error helper. You can do some php to check $_POST['uEmail'] and if it fails you can do
$e->add('Registrations are only allowed from');

The method will pick this up at the bottom and not register the new user but instead show the error above.
agpate replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks MLKY. I think I'm JUST about at the level where that makes sense. I'll try it out on a test site first. I appreciate you taking the time to respond. Thanks.

agpate replied on at Permalink Reply
Drat. Clearly I'm not nearly as well-versed in this as I thought I was. (thumps head).

I found the file and I understand the principle of what needs to be done. Unfortunately, my knowledge of PHP is ... well, dire. I'll try doing an online search to see if I can find what exactly needs to be written to only allow (or whatever). Once I have that, I think I'll be fine. :-)
mkly replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
if(!preg_match('/@example\.com$/', $_POST['uEmail'])) {
  $e->add('Registrations are only allowed from');

Should do it.
agpate replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for that! Very much appreciated. :-)