setting te css for C5 ecommerce add-on

Hi guys,
I am using the Featurist theme with its interesting page layout.
I am using the C5 ecommerce add-on to display and sell my services on
now i find with the fixed display page layout for featurist theme that part of my product details are being cut-off on the right hand side of each of my displayed product page.
see link for page display

I am using an easy accordion ad-on to place for my store. just click on the first accordion to see results of cut-off

all i need to do is go into the right css and narrow down the right css for the product page display to better fit into the featurist theme page layout.

I do not want to expand the featurist css because it will affect my website layout to much.

Basically I want to fit the product page into the existing css page layout of featurist theme.

any ideas on where to look??

I know to go to packages etc. but just cannot locate the right css for the ecommerce add-on.

would appreciate any ideas from designer etc.

ALSO I want to make hange to the boldness value of the customer choice text and maybe color also.
AND text intensity of the Add to Cart bar. difficult to read

info soon i hope but going to continue for my deadline

