Workflow Deny Approval action

Hi, I’m running v8.3.2 and I'm a bit stuck on the configuration of a basic workflow. I created an Editor group which should approve or deny the changes a user makes to a page. The workflow access “Approve or Deny” is set to Editors group. The Editors group and the user have the following permissions on that page:
• View page in Sitemap
• Edit Properties
• Edit Contents
• Approve Changes
The workflow is attached to the “Approve Changes” permission.

Now when the user changes the page (through composer or just by editing blocks) the submit to workflow button appears. The user submits the workflow, the Editors get notified by email and log in to review the changes. So far so good. When an editor approves the changes all is good and the page gets approved and published. The problem is when the Approval is denied. In this case the user who started the workflow gets a “Page is Pending Approval – Submit to Workflow” notification. Editors get a “Page is Pending Approval – Approve Version” notification. So it seems the deny approval workflow action doesn’t trigger anything. What am I missing?

Thanks for the help!

core77 replied on at Permalink Reply
What would you expect in this case?

The change was denied by an editor and the new page version remains in concrete5. All ok, isn't it?
BGR replied on at Permalink Reply
I would expect that the user who submits the change would get a "Approval Denied" notification. Now the user does not know his approval is denied and the editor keeps getting a Approve version notification even though he denied the approval.
core77 replied on at Permalink Reply
I think you don't get an "Approval Denied" message when you visit the page or look at the page versions.

If you want the user get that message, set a notification in your workflow. Then the user receives an email saying the approval of page version #x was denied.
Myq replied on at Permalink Reply
Denials should trigger a notification. Please check this documentation to ensure that you have set up the notifications correctly: