WARNING: concrete5 5.6 and earlier are end-of-life. Sales from the marketplace have now ended. Click here to learn more about this transition.

Advanced content

This block is inspired by Wordpress shortcodes. Two brackets and creativity explodes your content by adding interactive elements to your page.

Sites editors

with this blog is finally easy to add in the middle of a text, an image with a lightbox, add interactive event such as BUTTONS, tooltip, accordions, videos, photo galleries, this simply by adding a small code in brackets.


Create a new capscode in a minute. It is also possible to create rich content and tailored to the needs of your site

Create a capscode from scratch


With a small knowledge of php you create a new capscode in less than 3 minutes. Indeed, just create a file and few lines of code to create your capscode content rich and powerful.

Create a capscode from scratch


 Capscode already available

I am based on the Bootstrap library to provide quality content and efficient. I added other utilities like youtube, vimeo, facebook... The list below tends to lengthen. If you have any ideas, do not hesitate to offer!

accordions Add collapsible accordions
alert Add a bootstrap alert box
audio Add a html5 audio player
button Add a bootstrap button
button_collapse Add a button with collapsible content under
code Add a Prettify google code text
facebook_like Add a 'Like' Button by Facebook
gallery_images Add a Bootstrap gallery
image Add a image with bootstrap lightbox
image_slides Add a Bootsrap responsive slider
label Add a Bootstrap label
page_info Add page'info like name, description, date, breadcrumb,...
popover Add a Bootstrap popover
slides Add a Bootstrap html responsive slider
tabs Add Bootstrap tabs
tooltip Add Bootstrap tooltip
vimeo Add a Vimeo player
youtube Add a Youtube player


Sales have ended due to EOL

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  • Replies to tickets every few days.

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