Map with filters doesn't show different icon

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I have two locations in test in the map, each one wich a filter.
Each one with different icon and different size. Take a look here

The problem is that the icon doesn't appear correctly, both of us have the same icon with different size...
When i click on a icon on the map, it appears correctly. But when i refresh the page, the problem comes again.

I've tried everything : clear the cache, disable the cache for the page, for the block, uninstal and reinstal : nothing works !

Could you helpe me?

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
View Replies:
dovydas replied on at Permalink Reply
can you PM me a screenshot or video of your config of icons? Thanks
nicobe replied on at Permalink Reply
I've send you some printscreen.
dovydas replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks, fixed in version 1.1.10
nicobe replied on at Permalink Reply
Perfect! It works fine now.

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Advanced Maps (1.1.9), Fresh (0.9.6), Simple Gallery (1.0.7)

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pcre.recursion_limit - 100000
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session.cache_limiter - <i>no value</i>
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