Some fields not importing

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I'm trying to figure out why some fields are not importing from the CSV. In particular the first name, last name and address filed. I'm not sure what to do to get them to map properly, but the field names in the spreadsheet seem to match the attributes. Can you please give me some direction on that? See attachment.

Also, when I re-import to fix that will it recognize duplicates and just update the current user information?

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pixo replied on at Permalink Reply
Wanted to make sure you saw my previous support question.
ampersandapps replied on at Permalink Reply

Can you send me your CSV file and I can try to give you some direction?

And send me some screenshots of your attribute setups specifically?

pixo replied on at Permalink Reply
If you look at the screenshot in my first messages attachment you'll see the CSV file and a user profile.
pixo replied on at Permalink Reply
I think I might have recognized what I've done wrong while looking at my screen shot. I assume that the column titles should be the handles rather than the field names, correct?

Can you answer my second question as to how the add-on handles re-imports of data. When a duplicate is found does it just update the current record or will it try to add a new user?
ampersandapps replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, definitely use the handles.

As for the update. This add-on (since it's just an import) detects if the user exists in the system and if they do, it ignores them and moves on to the next user in the CSV.

Please let me know if you have more questions/issues.


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