View of User Groups and History

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It would be nice to be able to limit users view of User Groups to the groups that they can add users to. I usually have tons of User Groups as I deal with a lot of schools. I don't want them to be able to see the other User Groups from other schools. Also, if a User Group was at the end of the list they would have to scroll past all of the other User Groups in order to find theirs.

It would also be nice to only have users see their own import history rather than those of everyone that has done an import on the system.

However, this is a great add-on and is a life savor for me and all of my users. It makes it so much easier to sell my product as teachers at schools would not want to enter every single student they have into the system one-by-one. Thank you so much for putting this together and updating it.

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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pbhanney replied on at Permalink Reply
I also have found a major security breach with this problem. A user that can import users with this add-on can import a user into ANY group, including Administrators. They can then use that imported user to gain access to ANY part of a website.

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# concrete5 Packages
All In: The Advanced Member Import Add On by ampersandApps (1.0.4), Stucco (2.1.6)

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