ä ö ü

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Dear Sir or Madam

It's possible to export de csv with ä, ö, ü?

Thank you!



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Status: Resolved
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ampersandapps replied on at Permalink Reply

You should have no problem exporting members with special characters.

Please let me know if you have any other questions.

Kalki76 replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment

Thank you very much for your answer. I have no Problems with Special characters except the ä, ö, ü. I've enclosed an Excel as example.


ampersandapps replied on at Permalink Reply

This seems to be an issue with Excel. I was successfully able to export those characters and when I open the CSV in any text editor the characters render successfully.

Are you opening the file in Excel?
Kalki76 replied on at Permalink Reply

Thank you for your answer. I've saved it and tryed to open it with WordPad, Excel and MS Editor... everytime the same Problem...


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