Developer documentation

Changing field type order

Go to [website_root]/packages/block_designer. You will find a file called config.json there. In this .json file, the order of the field types is determined with an array (with ftOrder as key). Change this order in whatever order you would like it to be. But remember, when updating the module, this file will be overwritten. Always backup this config file when you changed it! By default, the array will look like this:

"ftOrder": [ "text_box", "text_area", "image", "link", "url", "select", "wysiwyg", "static" ]

Field types

Do not make changes to core field types. These field types should stay as they are, as future updates will overwrite your files. If you would like to see a change to a field type or would like to remove/add something, let me know by sending me a message (by mail/private message).