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I want to make a table block like below. I want to feed rows with data from DynamoDB. Can i do that with your blocks add-on? If yes, how? I'm python programmer. I'm new to concrete5. I don'tknow web programming. I will updtate database weekly with python.

1 dsgdghgf a
2 dfdgfdfg a
3 fdgdfhgfh u

table - database
for title ->main
for row1-col2 ->sub11
for row1-col3 ->sub12

Type: Discussion
Status: Resolved
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ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to achieve. Can you give a use case example perhaps? Or what data you want to store? You could attach a database.sql file if you'd like or write some queries here if that will explain your need better.

Kind regards,

murattorun replied on at Permalink Reply
I have an idea that contains machine learning. I will proccess some data with machine learning application and update database with proccessed data everyweek. In databse part, i will just update variables. I will not add any new variable. I will do this with python and AWS dynamoDB.

Because I dont know web programming, I choose CMS. I see concrete is apropriate for me. My website will not be so fantastic. I jus add some text, images and tables. My problem is about tables. I see that tables in C5 is static. I want it to be dynamic like query the database and update table. Query will be static beacuse i will just update the variables in DB. I have 10-15 table. Each of them will have title, 4-10 row, 4 column.

I hope i explain well. I dont know website system well. Thank you for your time.
ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Reply
Still not exactly clear, but is this something you need on one page only or multiple pages or... Are you going to do these database changes on one table? I assume it's best to create a module/package for a thing like that. I may be misunderstanding your project, so perhaps you can show some database table and example data (using SQL and dummy content)?

Block Designer is all about blocks on pages, so not sure if that's your way to go.
murattorun replied on at Permalink Reply
Database will have just one table and i will update it every week. What i need is block which have 3 parts. Title, image, rows. But rows will change dynamically every week or maybe every day by querying table. Is there any steady ready to use block for that? or should I use HTML Code block with php to generate Datagrid dynamically?
ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Reply
Not sure what you want to store in "rows". Is that another database table or just plain text/html? You can create a block with Block Designer and add field types like "text box" (for your title) and "image" (for your image), but I'm not sure what rows will be. So 66.67% is covered, not sure if the other 33.33% is though. Could you explain what the rows are?

Kind regards,

murattorun replied on at Permalink Reply
Rows will be something like;

1. Bayern Munih B.Dortmund 1 %80
text text int float

I want that block could query and get this values automatically.
ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Reply
So you have a block and need rows.Each of these rows have a
1. text field (varchar)
2. text field (varchar)
3. numeric field (int)
4. numeric field (float)

Entries can be:

ROW 1 - 1. ABC 2. DEF 3. 666 4. 5,34
ROW 2 - 1. GHI 2. JKL 3. 99 4. 1,25
ROW 3 - 1. MNO 2. PQR 3. 34679 4. 93,18
ROW 4 - 1. STU 2. VWX 3. 931 4. 103.39

Am I right? So you want items that can be repeated with field?
murattorun replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, looks like table 4 row 4 column and title above. Problem is that i want to get this row variables from database.
ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Reply
I think you'll be best off with a custom build package/module then. The way I see it you will only use this once, and it's a shame to do something with block designer then that it can not do! Block Designer is for "normal" block types for your concrete5 installs, and I think your requirements are somewhat different. Better to have ONE specific database table to query and pull data from/in!

Does that make sense? :)

Kind regards,

murattorun replied on at Permalink Reply
I will look for it. Thank you for your time and support. I'm new to website. Sorry for bother you to much.
ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Reply
No problem, happy to help. The forum is always helpful as well or IRC if you need something!

Kind regards,


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