Feature request: help prevent name clashes

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Some block identifiers are evil. I chose the identifier 'content' for a wysiwyg element and found out after several created blocks that not all features of the rich text editor are working (e.g. colors).

There should be a maintained blacklist for unfavorable blocknames to prevent people from generating not fully functional blocks. :)

PS: I know I could have used a prefix on all my identifiers.....but plain names looked tempting.

Type: Discussion
Status: Resolved
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j3ns replied on at Permalink Reply
I think in this special case it might be a problem with generated html id attributes or something like that. Replacing all occurrences was no big deal..but it might take some time to notice these problems.
ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Reply
I assume a simple prefix on the id attribute will do, thanks for notifying this! Didn't test it but I'll take your word for it, as it's ugly to have the entered variable name as a direct attribute id anyways.

Thanks :)
ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Reply
Fixed in 1.0.0

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