Idea: What about a "Package Designer"?

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A "Package Designer" could somehow be integrated with the "Block Designer" and allow for easy creation of Packages with sophisticated install / uninstall / update mechanisms.

The "Block Designer" could allow easily adding a new block to a specified Package.

Type: Discussion
Status: Resolved
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ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Reply
On my to-do list!
ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Jens,

Just to let you know, it's pending for the PRB so if approved, it will be in the store anytime soon (at least, I hope it gets approved, as there was some commotion that every loon could make packages/blocks now with the packages I create(d)).

Kind regards,

j3ns replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Ramon,

I am curious what your package controller looks like. I hope there is some awesome boilerplate code to allow basic updating/extending of the package. :)

ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Reply 4 Attachments
Hi Jens,

Same as with Block Designer, Package Designer will be all about creation. Editing is just a bit out of the picture, because people could add things like "use" statement, variables, functions etc. etc. I don't want to mess with all that just yet. So for now it's creation only with all the possible functionalities I discovered.

Take a look at the attached screenshots.

Again, you can load a config by clicking "load config" next to packages with a config file, or paste in the contents of a config.json file!

If you do have some suggestions or requests, let me know. I still have some things in mind, but those are for future releases. Just want to get the base out first, then move on to updates/extra options.

Kind regards,

ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Jens,

Package Designer is live a couple of days, as you may have noticed! Therefore, this one can be closed. If you have suggestions or questions, you can ask for support in the Package Designer support forum.

Kind regards,


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