Repeatable in a repeatable

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I am just wondering if there is a way to put a repeatable in a repeatable? I have looked at the forum and tried to do this myself in the config file but it throws an error. I was wondering if you had a suggestion as to if this would be possible or if there are plans to add this in the future? As I would like to create a block to add multiple projects, and for each project multiple images can be added?

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Status: Resolved
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ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi there,

Having a repeatable within a repeatable is not a feature, that would make it way too complicated for both the user and the code (to generate AND to display). I'd suggest to create Express objects for that, so you have a better overview. Blocks shouldn't be made too complicated, otherwise it isn't a real block anymore.

Hope this makes sense. It was made this way for a reason, and if I were to add this - it would costs me loads of time most likely. Not even sure how rigid the solution would ever be, since there would be so much to take care of (also validation would be a hell, since you have to throw descriptive errors...).

Kind regards,

halfpintutopia replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the super fast response, a clear answer and for the suggestion. Makes sense.

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