Starter Templates

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Blocks by AJAX includes a standard starter template for those wishing to develop their own block templates. In most cases, creating a Blocks by AJAX template is as simple as inserting the original block view code where marked.
<?php defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied.");
Blocks by AJAX starter template. 
Simply insering the guts of an existing template where it 
says ORIGINAL BLOCK CONTENT HERE will serve to create an 
ajax template for most bocks.
$c = Page::getCurrentPage();
$blkah = Loader::Helper('blocks_by_ajax','jl_blocks_by_ajax');
if($blkah->regular_block($bID) ) {
if($c->isEditMode()) {
  echo $blkah->edit_mode_marker();

This starter template is included with the addon and is also attached here.

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JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
For addon developers who would like to distribute a Blocks by AJAX template with the addon, the starter template also needs to test whether Blocks by AJAX is installed, as per the following package starter template.
<?php  defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied.");
Blocks by AJAX starter template FOR DEVELOPERS TO USE WHEN
PACKAGING a Blocks by AJAX template with an addon block
$rq_pkg  = Package::getByHandle('jl_blocks_by_ajax');
$c = Page::getCurrentPage();
Blocks By AJAX is not installed - edit mode - leave a message
if (empty($rq_pkg) && $c->isEditMode()){
  <div class="ccm-edit-mode-disabled-item"><div style="padding:8px 0px;">
      echo t('The \'Blocks by AJAX\' addon IS REQUIRED FOR THIS TEMPLATE TO WORK');

If Blocks by AJAX is not installed, in edit mode an error message is shown. In normal display it is deliberately left to give a code error about the missing object/method (seems like the best way to get the editing user's attention).

From v1.1 this code is also included with the Blocks by AJAX package and is also attached here.

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