Will it work with the newsprint theme ?

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Will it work ?
Here ist the link to the newsprint theme.
Thanks, Oliver

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: Resolved
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ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Hi Oliver,

This will work somewhat the same as the default/core Elemental theme (that ships with your concrete5 install). It's a bit stripped down Bootstrap version. From what I can see, glyphicons aren't working

(you can view the glyphicons at the top of this page)


That will mean you either have to add another .css and their font files yourselves, or ask the author of the theme to add/update it. I've added an attachment with ONLY the css and font for the glyphicons. So once you've added that to the theme, the icons should work as expected.

Other things should all work, so this should be the only "problem" (if you intend to use the icons that is).

Kind regards,


concrete5 Environment Information

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Database Version - 20160412000000

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# PHP Version

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