Sends exceptions and errors to Bugsnag, a monitoring service that collects error reports from one or more applications.

What this add-on does:
- It installs a dashboard page under System / Environment / Bugsnag;
- If an API key has been entered, it registers a Bugsnag error handler;
- If an unhandled exception occurs, it will be sent to Bugsnag;
- Log messages can be sent to Bugsnag, configurable per log level;
- It hooks into the event "on_exception". The payload will be sent to Bugsnag.
- It can send JavaScript errors to Bugsnag.

- I don't have any relation with Bugsnag. I only use their services.
- Required: concrete5 8.2 or up.
- Tested on PHP 5.6 and PHP 7.1.

See all add-ons from A3020

Current Version: 1.3.1
Fully Translatable: Yes
Needs External Libraries: No
Compatible 8.0.0+
License: Standard
Support Response: Replies to tickets every few days.
Support Hosted: On
Needs extra server permissions: No
Needs Internet: No
Marketplace Tests:
Passed Automated Tests
Passed PRB Review