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Concrete5 Danmark - Who we are!

We strive to make Concrete CMS the most used CMS in Denmark.  We are now on concrete5 8.5.7. 

We translate the Concrete CMS to Danish, and we can also translate add-on packages on request. If you need a partner for your web project, but have difficulty expressing your challenges in English, then www.concretecms.dk is definitely for you.

Please write reviews for our packages - It helps a lot that other people know what you think.


C5DK ePay Payment Gateway


This is an eCommerce payment method for ePay Payment Solutions.

This payment method handle credit card payments using an attractive and modern credit card authorization form. With ePay Payment Gateway you must have a payment agreement with NETS/Teller in Denmark as it is the only one who can authorize payment by the Danish Dankort and eDankort.

ePay uses a token-based method to perform transactions, which means that your website never directly handle credit card data.

We have made a test webshop that actually workes all the way through the checkout and payment proces - http://webshopdemo.concrete5.dk



Dette er en eCommerce betalingsmetode for ePay Payment Solutions.

Denne betalingsmetode håndterer kreditkort betalinger ved hjælp af en attraktiv og moderne kreditkort formular. Med ePay Betalings Gateway skal du have en indløsningsaftale med NETS/Teller i Danmark da det er de eneste der kan godkende betaling med de danske Dankort og eDankort.

ePay bruger en token baseret metode til at udføre transaktioner, hvilket betyder, at din hjemmeside aldrig direkte håndterer kreditkort data.

Vi har lavet en test webshop der faktisk virker hele vejen fra køb, checkout og betalingsprocessen - http://webshopdemo.concrete5.dk

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