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Concrete5 Danmark - Who we are!

We strive to make Concrete CMS the most used CMS in Denmark.  We are now on concrete5 8.5.7. 

We translate the Concrete CMS to Danish, and we can also translate add-on packages on request. If you need a partner for your web project, but have difficulty expressing your challenges in English, then www.concretecms.dk is definitely for you.

Please write reviews for our packages - It helps a lot that other people know what you think.


C5DK Rating

Use stars, smilies and all other Font Awesome icons in your rating block. We know that there is several solutions to make star rating. But none of them seem to do what we want them to do. That is why we made this easy to install, easy to configure and easy to use rating package.

The package can be used both as page rating and single object rating. As page rating, it is very useful for fx. a blog. That is why we also incorporated a pagelist template that will work well with our own C5DK Blogging Package. But also other blogging packages could be used.

The rating system uses cookies to control that users do not simply rate your site multiple times.

This package is free and we hope you find it useful.

Concrete5 Danmark wishes you happy rating...

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  • Replies to tickets every few days.

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  • On marketplace.concretecms.com