
Catalogs reside in the dashboard and are intended for more heavy-duty applications that need to manage large amounts of data. They allow the user to add entries as needed for each item in their catalog. Recommended uses would be storing product information, property listings, store locations, employee rosters, etc.

List View

Catalogs come with a list view for managing entries. From the list view entries can be searched, reordered, duplicated and deleted. This makes it easy to find and manage a specific entry.

Below is an example of a catalog list view using an employee roster as an example. This example only contains 2 entries.

Searching, Sorting and Filtering

There are several ways to finding a particular entry you are looking for.

  • The search field on the upper right side of the list will search all columns for all entries.
  • Individual columns can be filtered via the search box at the 'Filter Field' at the bottom of each column.
  • Clicking the column header will allow you to sort that particular column. Holding down the Shift key and clicking a second column will allow you to sort multiple columns at once



Editing entries

To edit an individual entry, click the pencil icon on the right-hand side of it's row. This will bring you to it's detail page which will contian all of the available fields to edit.


Reordering Entries

Entries can be reordered by entering 'Reorder Mode'. To enter 'Reorder Mode' click the 'Reorder' button in the toolbar below the list. The button will turn yellow, indicating that you are now able to reorder listings. Listings can be reordered by dragging and dropping OR by manually updating the 'Order' value. When reordering is complete, click the 'Reorder' button again to exit 'Reorder Mode'.


Duplicating/Deleting Entries

Entries can be both duplicated and deleted from the list view. To do so simply click on the listing row you want to duplicat or remove. The listing will highlight to let you know that it is selected. Once selected, click the 'Duplicate Selected' or 'Delete Selected' button in the toolbar below the list. Multiple entries can be selected at once. You can select a range of entries by selecting an entry, holding Shift and selecting another entry in the list. You may also use the Up and Down arrow keys while holding the Shift to include nearby entries. Holding the Command key will allow you to toggle the selection status of entries.


Modifying the list columns

Not all data is displayed in the list view. Some field types are excluded by default. You can add, remove or rearrange the columns from the catalog's controller. The controller will contain a $listMetaData property that dictates what is displayed.