

  1. Upload all files into the /packages/ folder
  2. Go to Dashboard>Extend concrete5>Add Functionality
  3. Click Install


You can add new blocks to the page, just click the + icon in the toolbar:

A panel will slide out showing all the block types installed on your site. Simply drag a block from the panel to where you want it on the page. When you see a green highlight, you know you can drop the block there and it will show up on just this page. A blue highlight means it will show up on every page on the site that has this sitewide global block area.


There are three configuration tabs, Navigation Settings, Superfish Settings and Responsive Settings. The navigation settings tab is identical to the default auto-nav block and documentation can be found by clicking here.

The superfish settings tab allows you to configure the look and timing of the menu.

Menu Colors: Here’s where you choose the color for the different elements of the menu.

  • Background
  • Text
  • Hover
  • Active

Display Time: The delay time for the menu. Note: 1000 milliseconds = 1 second

Alignment (Float): You can align the menu to the right of it’s area or to the left.

Menu Type: You can choose the menu display type here.

  • Horizontal
  • Vertical
  • Nav-bar

Drop Type: You can choose whether the menu will dropdown or dropup.

The responsive settings tab allows you to configure the look and timing of the reponsive menu.

Button Text: The text that will be displayed on the menu button when in responsive mode.


Button Colors: Here’s where you choose the color for the different elements of the button.

Menu Colors: Here’s where you choose the color for the different elements of the menu dropdown.

Menu Effect: Choose which direction the menu will slide in from when displayed.


  1. Go to Dashboard>Extend concrete5>Add Functionality
  2. Click Uninstall