Replying to Blog Comments

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Does this add-on allow me to reply to my blog post comments? I have been searching everywhere for an answer to this. Can't seem to find one. Your add-on has been mentioned numerous times, but I still can't decipher if it will allow me to reply to the comments or not.

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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Cravener replied on at Permalink Reply

You can answer to others, edit and manage comments (delete, ban).
This is only Concrete5 wrapper for Disqus.
See for details about all abilities.
andreatlmt replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you! The website is far more clear than the info on the add-on page!!
andreatlmt replied on at Permalink Reply
I decided to get the Disqus Add-On. Registered at the Disqus Website to get a shortname. But now I am completely confused on how migrate my existing comments into Disqus, so I can reply to them. As well as how to use it in general. Just seems to post a link to the website. Not add an actual comment section to my blog pages.
Sorry. Not a tech person, so this is really frustrating.
Cravener replied on at Permalink Reply
You can't move your existing comments from Concrete5 to Disqus because Concrete5 have no ability to export comments.
You can see all import features of Disqus in your account:
andreatlmt replied on at Permalink Reply
This link doesn't work for some reason. Even when I put my info in.
andreatlmt replied on at Permalink Reply
And, I'm not using Wordpress as a platform. Would that help? I just wanted to keep it all simple
Cravener replied on at Permalink Reply
==> And, I'm not using Wordpress as a platform. Would that help? I just wanted to keep it all simple

This part of Disqus admin area starts with wordpress. Other possible systems:
- Blogger
- MovableType
- IntenseDebate
- Generic (WXR)

You can't move your existing comments from Concrete5 to Disqus because Concrete5 have no ability to export comments.
Only one variant - create exporter for Concrete5 to WXR. Then use "Generic (WXR)" in Disqus importer to move comments into Disqus. This is not simple and need some work of programmer for several hours.
Cravener replied on at Permalink Reply
==> This link doesn't work for some reason. Even when I put my info in.

You need to be logged in your Disqus Account on
andreatlmt replied on at Permalink Reply
It gives me the options of using basic HTML to add Disqus to my site. Up until know, I've been using the basic comment block. There doesn't seem to be a place to add code to this block. So, how to I install? I am doing a standard text block and adding the code to that? Sorry, don't know why I can't seem to figure this all out. I usually do.
Cravener replied on at Permalink Reply
You don't need to add HTML or get any code from Disqus if you use Disqus Comments addon. Simply add Disqus Comments block to your pages.
andreatlmt replied on at Permalink Reply
When I added the block it only has a link. That was my original question. How to properly install so it works. Same reason I looked at the HTML solution...
Cravener replied on at Permalink Reply
I don't know. May be some problems with installation or problems with JavaScript.
After adding a block you should see the form for comments.

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Clean House (1.3.1), Galleria image gallery (2.0), Whale Nivo Image Slider (1.2).

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