Downloads not working for mobile

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For some reason this block works fine on my desktop and will start a download when a file is clicked on but I get page not found errors on my tablet or phone. I have cleared the cache on the site and on both devices but neither helped. I am using Chrome on all three.

Type: Discussion
Status: Resolved
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mostrim replied on at Permalink Reply 3 Attachments
Just to add to this
I created a downloads folder (within the public_html folder) added the files, set up the block, when I had to add the path I just added /downloads/ as the path and it seemed to work just fine, for a while, then it stopped working(a page not found error). After some investigating I found the folder permission had changed from 755 to 775 so I changed this back and it worked again, except for mobile devices which got the same page not found error and now again today that error is back again. The website URL is and I have attached screenshots as well.
mostrim replied on at Permalink Reply
I got a tip from my web hosting forum to try, it involved creating a new path to the files, which I did but that did not work and I cannot edit the page either.
mostrim replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi just to let you know I got the problem solved by adding a URL to the folder as well as the path. Now it's working perfectly.
sascha replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for taking the time to let me know and sorry for not jumping in when it was recent problem. I often don't get email notifications on new posts and don't visit here regularly.

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# PHP Version

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