Circular Event just with start time no end time

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Hi, I use your calendar on different web pages and I really like it. Now I need to put circular events on the calendar with just the START time because the end of the event is 'open'. Is there a possibility to do that? Maybe I couldn't see it ...?

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Status: Archived
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IceManSpy replied on at Permalink Reply
Unfortunately, end date is required.

If you want something like "open" you can set date fr. on 2034 year.
BridgetB replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi, thanks for the quick response. I ment time not date. I do have a start time for example 3:00 pm but the event is maybe over at 4,5,6 or 10 pm. Is it somehow possible to put just a start time on the event? Thanks Bridget
BridgetB replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi IceManSpy, any ideas about the time? Thanks, Bridget
IceManSpy replied on at Permalink Reply

sorry for long response.
You shouldn't have problem with create circular one day event with start and end time.
If you want to create fe. 22th of January, between 3 PM and 5 PM , you could be able to do this.
If not, is it possible to check it live ?
BridgetB replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi, Yes it is not a problem to put an event on with START and END time. But I need to put events on with just the START time and NO END time ;-) f.e. Start time 3:00pm until it's finished without an end time.
Thanks, Bridget
IceManSpy replied on at Permalink Reply
Ok :)
So you have to create event with start time and end time as 12PM .
Event has to have start and end time.

What do you want to achieve with no end time ? I can't imagine that.
BridgetB replied on at Permalink Reply
Some customer have nice ideas :-) One example: The club has a dart event which starts at 3:00pm. The event will go on until the winner is determined. They don't know how long will it take.
Another one: A fun event day for a community will start at 1:00pm and will go on until the last guests are gone. The same here, they don't know when the event will end...
IceManSpy replied on at Permalink Reply
Ok, I can imagine this :)
But script for calendar requires start and end date / time.
So it's not possible to make infinite event.
BridgetB replied on at Permalink Reply
OK. I'll deal with it somehow ;-) I use your calendar for a couple of pages. I love it!!!
Thanks again. Bridget
ConcreteCMS replied on at Permalink Reply
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