iCalendar Support?

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Is it possible for this calendar add-on to subscribe to a web-based calendar that supports iCalendar?

Do you have future plans to enable this in the future?

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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IceManSpy replied on at Permalink Reply
Check calendar block - it has iCal link to calendar.
bayleafmedia replied on at Permalink Reply
Is calendar block still an option? It has been folded into Core, and I see no functionality for iCal feeds on my installation from its interface. If not, doesEvent Calendar Pro support iCal feeds?

IceManSpy replied on at Permalink Reply
Block with calendar has iCal link. But you can copy link to calendar and hide if you want.

PRO version has link to iCal and you can use in you calendar application.
bayleafmedia replied on at Permalink Reply 2 Attachments
I apologize for my denseness, but when you say "Check calendar block" do you mean one of the calendar blocks inside Event Calendar Pro or do you mean the calendar block that comes with C5 v8?

What I have attached is all I see on the C5 Calendar Block.

I am looking to add an icalendar feed to my site. I am currently using planyo for that purpose, but it has some css issues and doesn't play well with the C5 html block editor. If I can find an add-on that supports this I'd jump over to it in a heart beat. Does yours?

The second attachment shows a portion of one of our calendar feeds coming from our CRM software. This is embedded using html/CSS and javascript, not an iFrame.

thanks again for your patience.
IceManSpy replied on at Permalink Reply 2 Attachments
You have to edit calendar block on the page.
Check attachments.
bayleafmedia replied on at Permalink Reply
Great, so I must have misunderstood.

The calendar entries on your second screenshot are an ical feed from another location, correct?

Is it a live feed or one that needs an automated job to sync? (If I update the calendar does it show immediately?)

thanks again
IceManSpy replied on at Permalink Reply
On the second screen you can see iCal link.

I think that if you update calendar, iCal link should be updated (I don't know how it works - some one made this feature :) ).

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