Is there an easy way to change the Background-Color of the Popup-modal?

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Hi, i've got 3 little questions:
1) As I'm not into "coding": Is there an easy was of changing the background of the PopUp-Window (the event-description) - now it's only white and I should have it in the same color as my Site-Background...

2a) I changed the DATE-Format to what i need (worked great - thanks for this!), but in the PopUp-Window, it changes back to TIME, then DATE. Is there any possibility, to have the same format as in the List-View?

2b) I would love to have a sort of "separator" between DATE and TIME - and I tried already with the Date-Format (which is working great, e.g. dddd, DD. MMMM YYYY | ) but only would help me, when point "2a" would be possible.

Do you have any advice/idea on these questions? Thanks so much in advance!
Best, Olinto

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Status: Archived
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IceManSpy replied on at Permalink Reply

Unfortunetely, you can't do all of points without coding.

If you want, please send me on PM link to your website (or background color, if you didn't publish site), specification of date and time format on modal and I'll create custom list view template for you.

Or you can send email to me - address you can find in Calendar List page in Dashboard :)

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