PopUp-Window for Events doesn´t work any more

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Hi there

I use EventCalendar PRO on this site:http://www.smilealarm.ch in the page “Auftritte” (http://www.smilealarm.ch/auftritte) .

Today, I upgraded the AddOn to the new version 2.3.15 – and since then, my Events do not show the PopUp-Window with the description any more ☹!

I hope, you can help me – my client LOVE the calendar, and it´s the best AddOn I found in Calendars since years!

(I´ve sent also a Mail to the address given in the addon...)

Thanks in advance!!
Best, Olinto

Type: Ticket
Status: Archived
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OliP replied on at Permalink Reply
I just found out:
Problem exists only, when i´m using Style "FirstDate" - which would be by far my most preferred...
Alternativley, I could try to use "No style" - which comes near the wished display...

Anyway, I think, it would be very nice, if "FirstDate" would work as before.

Thanks a lot!
IceManSpy replied on at Permalink Reply
Try to update to 2.3.16 version :)
OliP replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi, just upgraded to the new version - and i´m very happy, it works great again! :-)

Thanks so much for your fast and great support!

Best from Vienna, Olinto
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ConcreteCMS replied on at Permalink Reply
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