Is there a way to have different color tabs on different pages?

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Pardon my ignorance, I got the tabs looking the way I want on one page, but I want to use the app on another page on the website with different colors. Is there a way to do that?

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jchaney replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
I figured it out. I set a hidden tag in each page to pass a value that I put in the easy_accordion.js to look for by changing these parts in the java script.

Line 34:

and changed it to

.css("background-color",$("#thispagescolor").val()) .css("border","solid #ffffff")

Also changed lines 71 and 73 from

    } else {


h.toggleClass('ccm-easyAccordion-title-active').css("background-color","#ffffff") .css("color",$("#thispagescolor").val()) .css("border","solid "+$("#thispagescolor").val())   .next().slideDown();
    } else {
      h.removeClass('ccm-easyAccordion-title-active').css("color","#ffffff") .css("background-color",$("#thispagescolor").val()) .css("border","solid #ffffff").next().slideUp();

Then just on the cms I'd put in a html block in that said..
<input type="hidden" id="thispagescolor" value="#556570" />

Just change value to what you want the color to be. Now I wanted the tab to be white with the value set in the tag to be the border. This will give others a start though!
stortzdesign replied on at Permalink Reply
I used the method you describe here and tweaked it a bit so I thought I'd contribute.

I attached a value with a hidden input on each page, like you suggested, but then I used an if/else statement in easy_accordion.js to attach those values to classes I created in the easy_accordion.css file, like so:

            var usedclass = 'acc-shop';
         }else if($("#thispageis").val()=="dine"){
            var usedclass = 'acc-dine';
         }else if($("#thispageis").val()=="live"){
            var usedclass = 'acc-live';
         }else {
            var usedclass = 'ccm-easyAccordion-title';

then I changed the line


This also needs to be changed in the jQuery.fn.clickActions function inside easy_accordion.js file by adding the same if/else statement and changing the line
$('.ccm-easyAccordion-title', ref).removeClass('ccm-easyAccordion-title-active').next().slideUp();

$('.'+usedclass, ref).removeClass('ccm-easyAccordion-title-active').next().slideUp();

Finally, the colors in the ccm-easyAccordion-title-active class in the css file were removed. They can likely be changed with another if/else statement and a different variable. Hope this helps!

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