Link to open accord menu in URl

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Hi their I have used your simple menu to open close tabs on a page, which works. How ever I have an issue where i need to link back to the page with a url and open a specific section of the menu like when u select a n open tab on page load?

I tried using a URL variable ?open=#1 in the url link and the below code on the page to link to the $open variable used to show if a page is set to open but i seem to have this wrong somewhere?

<?php if (isset($_GET['open'])) {
$open = $_GET['open'];
} ?>

How can i do this?

Also I need to add this to the page defaults but can't as you can't add layout in page defaults? can i code it directly into the page? to get around this?

Thanks for your help

Carl lee

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Status: New
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carl101lee replied on at Permalink Reply
HI Their,

I have managed to hack this to work by setting variables in the url and pulling them in and setting the default open tab.

Pm me if you require any help as its quite complex. As I have had no response form the designer so had to do this my self. (so its probably really bad way of doing it.

TeKnoZiz replied on at Permalink Reply
I would love a way to do this so all I need to do is add a ?tab=title to the URL or something like that. Is this possible?
sebastienj replied on at Permalink Reply

This will be a great addition to easy accordion. I have issue with my internet connection, so i can't help you now but hope on saturday. Please send me a pm to refresh my mind.


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