Easy Countdown

Developed by

Not Version 9 Ready Yet.

Multi-Site Licensing

To obtain a multi-site license you must negotiate a special offer with BinaryBlocks, the developer of Easy Countdown.

Click below to send a private message and begin the process. You may need to sign in to before you can message this user.

Send Message

Use the Easy Countdown addon for concrete5 to add a customizable Countdown on your site for promoting events.

Displays any type of content at the selected date, easily created with a richtext control.

Just follow these steps:

  1. select the date of the event
  2. choose the look & feel you want for your countdown
  3. use the richtext control to create the final message

Your countdown is ready!

Current Version: 1.0.0
Fully Translatable: Yes
Needs External Libraries: No
Compatible 5.7.5+
License: Standard
Support Response: Replies to tickets every few days.
Support Hosted: On
Needs extra server permissions: No
Needs Internet: No
Marketplace Tests:
Passed Automated Tests
Passed PRB Review