Modifying the lightbox

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Where are the settings for the lightbox? I'm primarily trying to make the background fade to white instead of fading to black when using the default lightbox (not the intense). I found the setting for the gallery in view.php, but I don't see the lighbox setting or I'm just missing them.

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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tukuro replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi again. I'm actually trying to make my lightbox look just like the one in the default example (link below) but for some reason mine is different.
tukuro replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi I'm still trying to move this project forward. Where are the setting for the lightbox so I can make it look like your "default" example? I purchased the add-on but I haven't been able to implement it as I need it.
sebastienj replied on at Permalink Reply

I'm just upgraded the add-on. Now you will have options to modify colors of Lightbox and other.

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