Multiple Tag Filtering in One Button?

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Hi There,
This is my third time reaching out to you. As I said earlier in my other post that we really want to buy this add-on but we are curious to know about the filtering.

Can we display more than one tag in single button? Say we have three tags 'Italian', 'Dinner', 'Vegetable'. Now can display all these tags in a single button which will only show the images that have these three tags common?

I am asking this because It appears this add-on only offer a single level of filters, allow the visitor to click on on of many buttons so they only see the images from that particular subset. This means we would need one gallery per each general type of food (beef, chicken, vegan, etc). If the add-on would permit the visitor to click on more than one filter, then only display the images that have both/all tags (eg: indian, chicken, low carb)

We really want to have this feature because without this feature we have to set multiple galleries and we want to reduce the number of galleries. For example, please look at the galleries in this page:

In the first Gallery you can we manually inserted images from two categories (Vegetarian and breakfast) which are common. As per your demo I can see, I can only show one tag like 'vegetarian' or 'breakfast' in one button. But I need to show more than one tag in one button so that I can show people 'vegetarian-breakfast' images that have these tags in common if they click on one button. Then this way I can show 'vegetarian-salad' in the next button of same gallery (the second gallery of the example page) and thus people can reduce the number of tags which is good for maintaining the images and reduce the number of galleries as well.

If this feature is not in your add-on yet, would you please consider adding this feature?

We are eagerly waiting for your reply.


Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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sebastienj replied on at Permalink Reply

What you are describing sounds interesting, but I’m afraid it’s beyond the scope of what this does today. Being open source you are free to customize our code to get your desired functionality. We will keep your idea in mind when we get a chance to work on new versions.
TawhidPritam replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Seb,
We have purchased your add-on (Easy Image Gallery) about a week ago. As we are working with this, some factors coming in front of us which is needed to make the gallery uniform with our site. That's why I am opening a discussion to discuss the issues further.


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