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Let me start off by saying that this slider is the one of the best ones currently available for C5.7 that I have currently come across due to its responsiveness. My company has used it on our latest website ( and it looks great!

I am thinking about buying another copy of it to use for my new site but I need to know something before I go ahead and make the purchase

I would like to place the arrows next to the text and on top of the image similar to the slider that is currently at From working on changing your code on my previous site to my liking, I know that I would be able to change the text area but the arrows beneath the slider is something that I am a little lost on. We were going to use the slider currently in place but it isn't responsive to its container's height and the width of the window and the buttons don't even work.

Please let me know!

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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sebastienj replied on at Permalink Reply

Don't hesitate to add a review if you like the addon !
In the example, arrow are ON each images. Is that you want to have ?
cwisniewski replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey, yeah I will definitely get a review up soon.

So in my example (the edgeperformance one that I linked) the arrows were next to the text, which is what I want to happen. In your slider, the arrows are beneath the image when you use them. I would also like to style the arrows like the one in the example if at all possible (large, with just the < >)

Like I said, the example slider on the edgeperformance site looks decent on large screens but as you scale the screen down, the image loses some area and doesn't resize correctly.

Thanks for the quick reply
cwisniewski replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey, yeah I will definitely get a review up soon.

So in my example (the edgeperformance one that I linked) the arrows were next to the text, which is what I want to happen. In your slider, the arrows are beneath the image when you use them. I would also like to style the arrows like the one in the example if at all possible (large, with just the < >)

Like I said, the example slider on the edgeperformance site looks decent on large screens but as you scale the screen down, the image loses some area and doesn't resize correctly.

Thanks for the quick reply

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Database Version - 20150109000000

# concrete5 Packages
Equinox (1.0.0), Ronyd Expanded Search Bar (2.0), Simple Slider (1.0), Whale Parallax Slider (1.1.0).

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