Add news from pages and subpages

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Hi Hanicker,

Thank you very much for your work, it is highly appreciated!

I wonder if you can easily add one feature that I find very useful or if you can point me into the right direction to modify the php files for this addon, myself. Here is the situation:
I have a directory(page) named /articles on my site. In there I have subdirectories (subpages) like 2015, 2014,... and under each of these I have January, February,...
Only there I have various articles 10 per month or so.

Right now, as I can see, your add-on can present the latest posted subpage inside a page, but only if those subpages are located immediately (first level) under that page.
In other words, if I point your addon to /articles, I'll get only 2015,2014,... as news, and not the months under, or the articles even more under.
This means that I need to point it instead to /articles/2015/Apr, and we'll get the latest X from April. However this means that I need to change the "pointing" each new month instead of just forgetting about this addon and have all time the latest X news on my front page.

So, would it be hard to add a recursive looking for news under a certain page but also through all its subpages and their subpages, and their subpages ...?
In my case, I don't need to limit the number of levels the traversing of the tree should be performed on, but it might be useful to others, as I can see other modules have it (e.g. Auto Nav).

Thank you very much in advance,


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