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Easy Slider

With this package you can easily add and manage slideshow of blocks.


You can define some settings like time for each slide, pause on mouseover, autostart and even add some commands like play,pause,next,prev or pagination.

It doesn't use scrapbooks and block functionalities should work without problems


This package is higly customizable, but a good knowledge of js and html may be necessary. See the example URL for a customized version with play/pause buttons.

The package comes with a simple non-styled slideshow, a "styled" template (use it as a start for more customizations) and the "auto" template that works in most cases without further customization.


Look at the documentation to understand how it works.


This package is FREE for NON COMMERCIAL sites (e.g. you don't earn money through the site -> non profit organizations, schools, churces..). Download it here. This can be used also for testing purposes.


Sales have ended due to EOL

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