Can automatic membership renewals be set up?

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Hi if I purchase the e-commerce/snipcart plus the additional membership/snipcart add on....
Are there settings that can send user accounts reminders to renew before 1-year memberships expire? Is their auto-renew settings?

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Amanda,

unfortunately no, there isn't anything that tracks membership expiries and allows for the sending of a reminder email built into the memberships add-on. All it does it create the new user, add them to the groups necessary and send them an email with their login details. Anything beyond that opens it up to a whole range of different options and complexity, I didn't see an appropriate way to add it as a feature.

Where I've needed this kind of thing for projects, I've actually looked to add a person's details to a bulking emailing system like Mailchimp or Sendy when they enter a user group - that emailing campaign is set up to email them at intervals throughout their 'membership' period (often called a drip campaign). That avoids several issues of sending lots of email from a web server, having to run automated jobs, allowing you to create nice looking emails etc.

This did require the development of a custom package though, it's not overly complicated, but it is a coding job.

The other thing to consider is that in more sophisticated membership systems renewals tend to work out pro-rata prices depending on how much time you have left on your membership. As this uses concrete5's user groups, adding a members to a group again doesn't _add_ another year of time to membership, it simply resets it. So with something like this it's more a case of only allowing someone to renew after their membership period has elapsed. This can be handled quite nicely by using permissions that hides whatever content/blocks that allows membership to be purchased.

Memberships with reminders and renewals is something I've tried to tackle with concrete5 in the past, but it's a real headache. I'd recommend keeping it very simple with whatever option you end up with!

concrete5 Environment Information

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ABC Auto Reply forms (1.0.2), Advanced FAQ (0.9.2), Customize Editing Interface (0.9.4), Formify (, Framework Theme (1.4.4), Fundamental (3.0.7), Login/Logout Link (1.0), Login Block (0.9.3), Login Dialog (0.9.6), Login Page Background (0.9), Stack Infinity (1.2.3), Stack Popover (1.2.7), Styled Maps (1.2.3), Supermint Theme (3.3.4), Vimeo Video (1.0.1), Vivid Simple Accordion (1.0.1), Vivid Store (3.1.4), Whale Elastic Slider (1.1.1), Whale Grid Gallery (2.3.2).

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