How I might handle Gift Cards

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After a conversation with our customer, they want to sell gift cards for their store (in store use only, not online).

My suggestion for them is to sell the card and take a physical one, load it and mail it.

As far as the Snipcart block goes, I was thinking we could do with a product with options, I have a few questions about this...

It does not allow me to have a product at $0. So I must set the product value at the minimum and then set the first option at $0 additional, and the other options as needed (see my screenshots)

Is it possible to choose the options on the product page, not in the cart? Otherwise I have to make a note about that since it might be confusing (see screenshot)

Any other suggestions?


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Type: Ticket
Status: Archived
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mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply 2 Attachments
HI David,

it isn't possible to put the option selector on the page itself, it has to be selected in the cart - it's a Snipcart limitation.

My suggestion here would be to actually create multiple products, one for each price point, and turn off everything being output from the block except for the button. Then customise the button label to be the value of the card.

Then you could add a standard content block above these product blocks with something like 'Gift Card - please select value below'. You'd then just have a simple list of buttons to pick from and they'd be no confusion in the cart. See attached.

If you wanted to save space, you could potentially use a layout to put the description in one column and the buttons in another.
dmeller replied on at Permalink Reply

This is very sensible, thank you for the suggestion and mockup - very

Kind Regards

Andrew (on David's account ;)

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