Control of the shaded area behind the text

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Hi! I have a question, when I looked at your demo installation, it looks very nice, that when you have full width on the laptop, the text is shown a bit to the left in the middel and without a white shaded background. When you make the screen smaller as on a phone, the slider is responsive and now all of a sudden there is a white shaded area behind the text. The shaded area behind the text and covers the whole width of the photo all the way to the right end of the photo.

I've bought the addon, and I wonder where you control this shaded area? In my block now I have a couple of pictures, and when I size down the screen as if it's on a phone, the white shaded area doesn't go all the way to the right on the screen, but stops a bit before the right end of the photo, which makes it look not at all as good.

I can't find where I control the settings of this shaded area, is there even away to not have that shading happen when on smaller devices? And how can I make the area fill the whole width of the pictures just like on your demo?

Best regards, Ulf

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
View Replies:
shahroq replied on at Permalink Reply
Can u send me a live link to check?
ulfn replied on at Permalink Reply
shahroq replied on at Permalink Reply
Ah, i see, it caused because you change the position of text, in this case add-on should exclude mobile version from this position change. I will fix that at next version, (in a few days).
ulfn replied on at Permalink Reply
OK, great. Did you see my message about the truncation of letters? Or should I send a separate support ticket for that?
ulfn replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for answering so quickly! I also saw now that the first letters/words are truncated when making the window smaller. It happened before when I had many words, but tried to cut it down to fewer words, but as you see, it still happens. I've experimented with letting the text start at different places (with the percentage settings), but still same problem.
ulfn replied on at Permalink Reply
I noticed that the words start to get truncated when the white area appears.
shahroq replied on at Permalink Reply
I think this is caused by above issue as well.
shahroq replied on at Permalink Reply
The new version 1.0.2 should solve both issues. Plz inform us if it would not fix that.
ulfn replied on at Permalink Reply
Oh, perfect! It looks really good now. Just one question; can I control
the shaded area somehow? If I would like to have it in the wide format and
not only in the phone/tablet size? Or change the color of it.

Best regards,



Ulf Nomark


Box 10177

434 22 Kungsbacka


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