
Location & Linking to Google Map

There are 2 lines available for the location. You can use just one, or both. If you wish to link to a Google map, make sure the address is accurate (you may want to first find it on a Google map). 

On the "Options" tab, make sure the "Link to Google Map" option is checked. EZ Event will automatically create a link to Google Maps (opens in new tab), using the location line 1 and line 2 fields. 


Facebook Events

On the "Links" tab, you can choose to link to a Facebook Event page. Simply enter the event ID. To get this, simply copy and paste the last part of the URL, which should be all numbers. 


Meetup Link

You can link to any page on This could be an event, group, or other page. Simply copy and paste the last part of the URL.


Eventbrite Link

You can link to any page on This could be an event or any other page. Simply copy and paste the last part of the URL.