Capitalization problem

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I'm also have a problem showing capitalization on set titles. As you will see in the screenshots, the file sets names are capitalized, but render lower case on view.

Please advise,

4 Attachments

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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mstroz replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm nudging this ticket.
Can someone please respond?
PineCreativeLabs replied on at Permalink Reply
I have released version 1.2.3, which should hopefully fix the set title capitalization issue.
mstroz replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi growthcurve,

If you want to close out this ticket, it's cool.

You and I have been communicating through another ticket I opened last week
designserve replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Unfortunately it hasn't resolved the issue. When you apply an inbuilt template it doesn't display filetypes which are in capital letters. The keyboards I support on my website generate files that contain capital letters in the filetypes so whilst I love your addon but it causes me so many hours of work on a regular basis that I continue to feel disappointed. Example where I am mousing over a file is attached.
designserve replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry I thought this was my ticket when I responded but my comments still stand.
designserve replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Attached is the same file without a template attached and without mousing over.

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