Error during form submission

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I have a couple of forms working without a problem, but needed to add one form to the website footer.
Created an new global area and inside that new area, I build that new form.
Everthing is ok, bur when i submit the form, I get the exception, "Invalid Request":

/application/blocks/form_plus/controller.php 266
        $token = Core::make('token');
        if (!$token->validate('theme_submit_qs_'.$qsID)) {
            throw new Exception(t("Invalid Request"));

Can you help?

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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BlueFractals replied on at Permalink Reply
I've tried this on my end but could not replicate the issue you were having. The form submits fine when placed within a global area.

From your supplied code above, it looks like you have created an override of Form Plus controller in "/application" folder. So there must be something wrong with the custom code you have added to the controller. So you'll have to figure that out from your end.

You might have to add this in the view.php right after the opening <form ....> line:
AliceYN replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you BlueFractals!
This isn't a projet I've built, just trying to add a form. So I don't know much... it's a custom theme. Tried to put your code on view . php, but nothing happens. Also tried in on the top of footer . php, where the form is used, with no success.

I placed this new form inside the footer on a new stack I'v created with this code
$dpp = new GlobalArea('FormdoFooter');

Is this wrong?
Another thing is, wrong captcha stops the form from submiting but it allows to submit with a field required field missing. This validation is done before submition, right?

This is all strange as all the other forms are working fine.
BlueFractals replied on at Permalink Reply
Your GlobalArea code looks fine.
Looks like you are dealing with an overridden version of Form Plus in the "/application" folder by another developer. I'm not sure what else has been modified. So this is really beyond the scope of my support.
AliceYN replied on at Permalink Reply
BlueFractal, THANK YOU for trying to help!
Had to build it on PHP, so I'm going to loose the database log of the submition. It's only working with Mailchimp.

Best regards,


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# concrete5 Version
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Block Designer (3.3.0), Block Designer Pro (3.0.1), Cookies Disclosure (0.9.4), ExchangeCore reCAPTCHA (1.1.1), Form Plus (2.4.2)

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