Can't seem to get my theme stylesheet to render for this template

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I'm used to doing block styling via a view.css file in the block template itself but this isn't formatted that way. I've tried to apply styles using my theme's main stylesheet but they just never seem to come through.

I'm proficient in html/css and just wondering if I'm missing something as far as getting the stylesheet to apply to tableless_layout.php. I tried to <link> a stylesheet but there's no head for this document so that doesn't make sense.

I additionally tried to apply styles to tableless_layout.php via inline styling and I ran into roadblocks as far as styling certain types of inputs.

Any ideas?

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jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
What version of Concrete5 are you using? The very latest version (5.6.2) changes the way css files need to be included for block templates.

Note, however, usually I prefer to just put all custom styles in my theme's stylesheet. If styles in your theme css are getting overridden by the blocks' stylesheets, then you can move your theme css files down below where C5 inserts the block stylesheets (so your theme CSS is loaded AFTER the block CSS, and hence the theme CSS will override the block css when they both are trying to style the same element).
You can achieve this in your theme head by moving the lines for your theme css (e.g. <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $this->getThemePath(); ?>/main.css" /> OR <?php echo $this->getStyleSheet('main.css'); ?>) so they're BELOW the <?php Loader::element('header/required'); ?> line.

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