Form tableless layout : removing the inline style from

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Hello ,

This is just a quickee in case anyone else is looking to get rid of the standard inline style for textarea 95 %

This of course using the fantastic add on Form tableless layout

just add following code where you see :

if ($questionRow['inputType'] == 'text') {
$question['type'] = 'textarea';
} else if

change that to this
if ($questionRow['inputType'] == 'text') {
$question['type'] = 'textarea';
//added to get rid of inline style
$question['input'] = str_replace('style="width:95%"', '', $question['input']);
} else if

there hope I saved someone somewhere 10 mins

Type: Discussion
Status: New
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jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for posting this, looks very useful!

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